A Chaucerian Feast

AEthelmearc 12th Night XXVII AS

Feast for the Arthurian Round Table

The Investiture of Haakan & Eleanor

The Grand Bear Pit at the Second Ian's Inn

The Investiture of Robin and Isabeau at the Third Ian's Inn

The Defenders of Sherwood

AEthelmearc 12th Night XXXII AS

AEthelmearc Academy November XXXIII AS

Blackstone Raid VIII

The Defenders of Sherwood II

Auld Alliance Royal Feast

Feast for Christmas Revel

Barony of the Steppes 12th Night Feast

The Search for Ivan Goroh

The Coronation Feast of HRH Kenna

Heralds and Scribes Schola

Highland River Melees

Springtime in Seville

The Coronation Feast of Dag IV and Elayna II

The Challenge of the Khazars

Feast of the Black Knight

Archers to the Wald III


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The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., is an international, non-profit educational organization dedicated to the research & recreation of pre-17th century European history. Authentically recreated medieval feasts are a common feature of SCA events & gatherings, where members get to sample all sorts of period staples & delicacies, prepared by both experts and novices alike. Becoming a member of the SCA is a wonderful way to learn first-hand about preparing medieval & Renaissance food, as well as many other period skills, arts, & sciences.

For more information on the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., please visit:

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This site is divided into 2 sections: feasts prepared by Master Huen and feast menus contributed to this site by other SCA cooks.

Feasts by Master Huen Damebrigge of Wychwood

These dinners were prepared by the following cooks as feasts at official SCA events: Master Huen/James L. Matterer; Lord Cydifor ap Manogan/Darell McCormick; Lady Glynis of the Inn of the Laughing Fox/Glenda Cockrum; Illadore de Bedagrayne/Monica Gaudio; Deirdrui Kilbride/Sue Wensel; & Guy Talbot/Michael Clifford.

A Chaucerian Feast

Hosted by the Shire of Afenegara (Follansbee, WV), December 12th, 1992. Cook: Lord Ian Damebrigge of Wychwood.

AEthelmearc 12th Night XXVII AS

Hosted by the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands (Pittsburgh, PA), January 9th, 1993. Cook: Lord Ian Damebrigge of Wychwood, assisted by Lord Cydifor ap Manogan.

Feast for the Arthurian Round Table

Hosted by the Shire of Misty Highlands (North-Central WV), June 26 1993. Feast prepared by Lord Ian Damebrigge of Wychwood.

The Investiture of Haakan & Eleanor

Hosted by the College of Cour d'Or (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA), September 11th, 1993. Cook: Lord Ian Damebrigge of Wychwood, assisted by Lady Glynis of the Inn of the Laughing Fox & Lord Cydifor ap Manogan.

The Grand Bear Pit at the Second Ian's Inn

Hosted by the Shire of Afenegara (North. Panhandle, WV), October 2nd 1993. Cook: Lord Ian Damebrigge of Wychwood.

The Investiture of Robin and Isabeau at the Third Ian's Inn

Hosted by the Shire of Afenegara (North. Panhandle WV) for the Kingdom of AEthelmearc, September 23-25 1994. Feast prepared by the Pandemaynea Guild of Cookery. Head Cook: Lord Cydifor ap Manogan under the guidance of Lord Ian Damebrigge of Wychwood.

The Defenders of Sherwood

Hosted by the Shire of Misty Highlands (North-Central WV), October 3-5, 1997. Cooks: The Pandemayne Guild of Cookery with Master Huen Damebrigge of Wychwood, Lady Glynnis of the Inn of the Laughing Fox, Lord Cydifor ap Manogan, & Illadore de Bedagrayne.

AEthelmearc 12th Night XXXII AS

Hosted by the Shire of Misty Highlands (Morgantown, WV) for the Kingdom of AEthelmearc, January 10th, 1998. Cook: Master Huen Damebrigge & the Pandemayne Guild of Cookery: Lord Cydifor, Lady Glynis, Lady Deirdrui Kilbride, & Guy Talbot.

AEthelmearc Academy November XXXIII AS

Held by the Shire of Misty Highlands (Morgantown, WV), November 14th, 1998. Cooks: Master Huen Damebrigge of Wychwood and Lord Cydifor ap Manogan.

Blackstone Raid VIII

Hosted by the Barony of Blackstone Mountain (Charleston, WV), April 9-11, 1999. Cooks: Master Huen Damebrigge of Wychwood and Lord Cydifor ap Manogan.

The Defenders of Sherwood II

Hosted by the Shire of Misty Highlands (North-Central WV), October 1st-3rd, 1999. Cooks: Master Huen Damebrigge of Wychwood, Lord Cydifor ap Manogan, & Guy Talbot.

These dinners were prepared by members of the SCA as feasts at official Society events.

Auld Alliance Royal Feast

Hosted by the East Kingdom for the Royalty of the Known World, August 17th, 1995, at the Pennsic War. Cook: Mistress Judith of Kirtland.

Feast for Christmas Revel

Hosted by the Barony of Axemoor (New Orleans, LA), December 6th, 1997. Cook: THL Sigrid Thorbjarnardottir.

Barony of the Steppes 12th Night Feast

Held by the Barony of the Steppes (Ennis, Texas), January 11th, 1998. Cook: Sir Gunthar Jonsson.

The Search for Ivan Goroh

Held by the Shire of Vanished Wood (North-West Chicago area), February 21st, 1998. Cook: Kathrine von Schlosserwald assisted by the Vanished Wood Cooks Guild.

The Coronation Feast of HRH Kenna

Held by the Barony of Flaming Gryphon (Huber Heights, Ohio), April 18th, 1998. Cook: Lord Llewllyn ap Tiernon.

Heralds and Scribes Schola

Held by the Shire of Misty Highlands (North-Central West Virginia), April 25th, 1998. Cook: Illadore de Bedagrayne.

Highland River Melees

Held by the Shire of Highland Foorde (Maryland counties of Frederick, Washington, Allegheny, and Garrett), June 20th, 1998. Cook: Lady Kofryna the Goatherd.

Springtime in Seville

Held by the Shire of Vanished Wood (North-West Chicago area), May 5th, 1999. Cook: Ethulwulf Kildare of Outland (Earl Bless) assisted by the Vanished Wood Cooks Guild.

The Coronation Feast of Dag IV and Elayna II

Held by the Barony of Roaring Wastes (Detroit Michigan), April 29th, 2000. Head Cook: Iasmine de Cordoba.

The Challenge of the Khazars

Held by the Shire of Vanished Wood (North-West Chicago area), November 4th, 2000. Cook: Rebecca di Venizia (Becky Hoover) assisted by the Vanished Wood Cooks Guild.

Feast of the Black Knight

Held by the Shire of Vanished Wood (North-West Chicago area), November 10th, 2001. Cook: Rebecca di Venizia (Becky Hoover) assisted by the Vanished Wood Cooks Guild.

Archers to the Wald III

Held by the Canton of Steltonwald (Beaver Co., Pennsylvania), September 21st, 2002. Cook: Lady Glynis of the Inn of the Laughing Fox (Glenda Cockrum).

If you've ever prepared a feast for the SCA, A Boke of Gode Cookery would like to hear from you. Please contact Master Huen with the details, and your menu will be presented here.

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© 1997-2009 James L. Matterer
Gode Cookery