![]() SEE ALSO: Gode Cookery Table of Contents UPDATES: RECIPES & COOKERY: Recipes from A Newe Boke of Olde Cokery Incredible Foods, Solteties, & Entremets Glossary of Medieval Cooking Terms ARTICLES ON COOKERY: Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum An Elizabethan Dinner Conversation Coqz Heaumez - A Helmeted Cock FEASTS & DINNERS: IMAGES: Tacuinum Sanitatis RESOURCES: Gode Cookery Selected Site of the Month Gode Cookery Awards and Site Reviews WEB NAVIGATION: RECIPES MAY BE FOUND IN: Recipes from A Newe Boke of Olde Cokery Incredible Foods, Solteties, & Entremets Coqz Heaumez - A Helmeted Cock
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"The Tacuinum Sanitatis
is about the six things that are necessary
for every man in the daily preservation of his health, about their
uses and their effects. The first is the treatment of air, which
the heart. The second is the right use of food and drinks. The third is
the correct use of movement and rest. The fourth is the prohibition of
the body from sleep, or excessive wakefulness. The fifth is the correct
use of elimination and retention of humors. The sixth is the regulating
of the person by moderating joy, anger, fear, and distress. The secret
of the preservation of health, in fact, will be in the proper balance
all these elements, since it is the disturbance of this balance that
the illnesses which the gloriuos and most exalted God permits. Listed
these six classifications are many very useful varities whose nature,
willing, we shall explain. We shall speak, furthermore, about the
suitable to each person owing to his constitution and age, and shall
all these elements in the form of simple tables because the discussions
of the sages and the discordances in many different books may bore the
reader. Men, in fact, desire from science nothing else but the
not the arguments but the definitions. Accordingly, our intention in
book is to shorten long-winded discourses and synthesize the various
Our intention also, however, is not to neglect the advice of the
- from the Tacuinum of Rouen The Tacuinum Sanitatis were illuminated medical manuals based on texts translated from Arabic into Latin. This site contains images and text from the following manuscripts: The Tacuinum of Paris - late
14th century
The Tacuinum of Vienna - late 14th or early 15th century The Theatrum of the Casanatense Library - late 14th century The Tacuinum of Rouen - early 15th century Here begins the book of the Tacuinum Click on thumbnail or link
I. Dill | II. Warm Water | III. Autumn | IV. Beets | V. Chestnuts | VI. Cabbage
VII. Sour Cherries | VIII. Oranges | IX. Coitus | X. Watermelons and Cucumbers | XI. Squash | XII. Summer
XIII. Fennel | XIV. Wheat | XV. Acorns | XVI. Sour Pomegranates | XVII. Winter | XVIII. Lettuce
XIX. Sweet Marjoram | XX. The Fruit of the Mandragora | XXI. Indus or Palestinian Melons | XXII. Millet | XXIII. Turnips | XIV. Oil of Almonds
XXV. Olive Oil | XXVI. Partridges | XXVII. Pine Cones | XXVIII. Leeks | XXIX. Savich or Barley Soup | XXX. Savich or Wheat Soup
XXXI. Ricotta | XXXII. Roses | XXXIII. Roses | XXXIV. Roses | XXXV. Rue | XXXVI. Sage
XXXVII. Rye | XXXVIII. Asparagus | XXXIX. Spelt | XL. Spinach | XLI. Theriac | XLII. Pasta
XLIII. Grapes | XLIV. Southerly Wind | XLV. Spring | XLVI. Woolen Clothing | XLVII. Linen Clothing | XLVIII. Sugar Source: Arano, Luisa Cogliati. Tacuinum Sanitatis. Milan: Electa Edifice, 1976. Other images at Gode Cookery: A Feast For The Eyes | Fantastic
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