A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

To make couertarte after the frenche facion

PERIOD: England, 1545 | SOURCE: A Propre new booke of Cokery | CLASS: Authentic

DESCRIPTION: A cream custard tart

To make couertarte after the frenche facion.

Take a pynte of creme and the yelkes of tennne egges and beate them all togither and put thereto halfe a disshe of swete butter and suger and boile them tyll they be thicke / then take them vp & coole them in a plater and make a couple of cakes of fyne paest and lay your stuffe in one of them and couer it with the other and cutte the vent aboue and so bake it.

To make covertart after the french fashion.

Take a pint of cream and the yolks of ten eggs and beat them all together and put thereto half a dish of sweet butter and sugar and boil them till they be thick / then take them up & cool them in a platter and make a couple of cakes of fine paste and lay your stuff in one of them and cover it with the other and cut the vent above and so bake it.


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