A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

A pikesauce for a Pike / Breme Perche / Roche / Carpe / Eles / floykes / and all maner of brouke fisshe

PERIOD: England, 1545 | SOURCE: A Propre new booke of Cokery | CLASS: Authentic

DESCRIPTION: How to prepare various fish in appropriate sauces

A pikesauce for a Pike / Breme Perche / Roche / Carpe / Eles / floykes / and all maner of brouke fisshe.

For all these fisshes aboue wrytten if thei must bee broyled / take sauce for them / butter pepper and vineger / and boyle it upon a chafyngdisshe / and then laie the broyled fisshe upon the disshe / but for Eles and fresshe Salmon nothyng but peper and vineger ouer boyled. And also if you will frie them you must take a good quantite of persely after the fisshe is fried / put in the persely unto the friyng panne and let it fri in the butter and take it up and put it on the fried fisshe / and frie place whyting and suche other fisshe / except eeles fresshe Salmon Conger / whiche be never fried but baken / boyled / rosted or sodden.

A pikesauce for a Pike / Bream Perch / Roach / Carp / Eels / flounders / and all manner of edible fish.

For all these fish above written if they must be broiled / take sauce for them / butter pepper and vinegar / and boil it upon a chafingdish / and then lay the broiled fish upon the dish / but for Eels and fresh Salmon nothing but pepper and vinegar overboiled. And also if you will fry them you must take a good quantity or parsley after the fish is fried / put in the parsley unto the frying pan and let it fry in the butter and take it up and put it on the fried fish / and fry plaice whiting and such other fish / except eels fresh Salmon Conger / which never be fried but baked / boiled / roasted or boiled.

Flok; also fluke, flewke - a flatfish; a fluke or flounder; a plaice; also a young tunny. From Middle English Dictionary.

Brouken - (a) To eat or drink (sth.); (b) to retain (food, etc.), digest; stomach (sth.), tolerate (sb.). From Middle English Dictionary.

Conger is the conger eel. See a medieval woodcut of one HERE.


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