A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

To make a stewed brothe for Capons / mutton / biefe / or any other hote meate / and also a brothe for all manar of freshe fisshe

PERIOD: England, 1545 | SOURCE: A Propre new booke of Cokery | CLASS: Authentic

DESCRIPTION: Broth made of herbs, wine or ale, & fruit, for meat, poultry, or fish

To make a stewed brothe for Capons / mutton / biefe / or any other hote meate / and also a brothe for all manar of freshe fisshe.

Take halfe a handfull of rosemary and as muche of tyme / and bynde it on a bundell with threde after it is washen / and put it in the pot / after that the pot is clene skynned / and lette it boile a while / then cut soppes of white bread and put them in a great charger and put on the same skaldynge broth / and whan it is soken ynough / strayne it through a strayner with a quantitie of wyne or good Ale / so that it be not to tarte / and when it is strayned / poure it in a pot and than put in your raysons and prunes and so let them boyle tyll the meate be inough. If the broath be to sweete / put in the more wyne / orels a lytell vyneger.

To make a stewed broth for Capons / mutton / beef / or any other hot meat / and also a broth for all manner of fresh fish

Take half a handfull of rosemary amd as much of thyme / and bind it on a bundle with thread after it is washed / and put it in the pot / after that the pot clean skinned / and let it boil awhile / then cut sops of white bread and put them in a great charger (dish) and put on the same scalding broth / and when it is boiled enough / strain it through a strainer with a quantity of wine or good Ale / so that it be not too tart / and when it is strained / pour it in a pot and then put in your raisins and prunes and so let them boil til the meat be done. If the broth be too sweet / put in the more wine / or else a little vinegar.


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A Boke of Gode CookeryA Renaissance Cookery Book
© 1997 - 2003 James L. Matterer