Original recipe from al-Baghdadi: Badhinjan Bi-Laban. Take medium-sized eggplants, cut off the leaves and half the stalks, and half boil in salt and water; then remove and dry well. Throw into milk and garlic. Refine fresh sesame oil, add a little cummin and coriander, and into this place the eggplant. Sprinkle with some blattes de Bysance and sesame, and serve. - Jung, Nizamat, trans. A Baghdad Cookery-Book by Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn al-Karim al-Katib al-Baghdadi as compiled by Dr. Daoud Chelebi. Mosul, 1923. Found in A Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks as compiled by Duke Cariadoc of the Bow and Duchesa Diana Alena, Private Printing, 1991.
Modern recipe:
Adapted from: Mazda, Maideh. In A Persian Kitchen: Favorite Recipes from the Near East. Rutland, VT: C.E. Tuttle, 1989, 12. Nazhkhatum is featured in Coronation Feast of H.R.H Kenna |
Michael Hobbes is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, living in Columbus, Ohio. He was recently awarded the Laurel, the SCA's highest honor for arts & sciences, for his work in cooking.
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Nazhkhatum © 1998 Michael Hobbes | This page © 2000 James L. Matterer
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