Original recipe from Platina: De Recocta. We heat the whey which was left from the cheese in a cauldron over a slow fire until all the fat rises to the top; this is what the country-folk call recocta, because it is made from leftover milk which is heated up. It is very white and mild. It is less healthful than new or medium-aged cheese, but it is considered better than that which is aged or too salty. Whether one is pleased to call it cocta or recocta, cooks use it in many pottages, especially in those made of herbs. - Andrews, E. B. trans. Platina. De Honesta Voluptatae. L. de Aguila. Venice, 1475. St. Louis: Mallinckrodt, 1967.
Modern recipe:
Adapted from: Carroll, Ricki and Robert Carroll. Cheesemaking Made Easy. Pownal, VT: Garden Way Publishing, 1995, p. 89. Recocta is featured in Coronation Feast of H.R.H Kenna |
Michael Hobbes is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, living in Columbus, Ohio. He was recently awarded the Laurel, the SCA's highest honor for arts & sciences, for his work in cooking.
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Recocta © 1998 Michael Hobbes | This page © 2000 James L. Matterer
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