One of the more fanciful and imaginative dishes of the Middle Ages was the cockentrice, made by combining a pig and a capon into one creature, thus creating a "new" animal that would not only feed hungry folk but amuse and amaze them as well. "Cockentrice" is actually just one among many spellings of the name of this dish; originally the beast was also known as a cokagrys or cotagres, from "cock" (a capon) and "grys" (a pig); a "gryse" was a suckling pig. Other period spellings include koketris, cocagres, cokyntryche, cockyntryce, and cokantrice. Cockentrice were common entries at great dinners, and a cokyntryche is listed among the many feast items at a festival given by John Stafford, Bishop of Bath & Wells, on September 16, 1425. Incidentally, the cockentrice is NOT the infamous Cockatrice, that fabulous mythical serpent that had the power to kill with a glance. Our edible cockentrice is a much safer and delicious creature.
Recipes for the cockentrice
can be found in three common
sources: the Harleian Manuscript no. 279 & the Douce
no. 55, as found in Two 15th c. Cookery-Books by Thomas
(1888) and Forme of Cury, as found in Curye on Inglysch
Constance Hieatt & Sharon Butler (1985). Two 15th c.
contains two recipes for cockentrice, while Forme of Cury has
one. The recipes from the Harleian & Douce Manuscripts
are nearly identical to each other: both describe creating the animal
the same fashion, by cutting the capon & pig in half then sewing
two together; both have a stuffing made of bread, eggs, sheep suet, and
spices; both are gilded with egg yolks, saffron, ginger, & parsley
juice. Forme of Cury's recipe is slightly different. In this
the animal is constructed in the same manner, but the stuffing is made
of pork liver, eggs, currants, pine nuts, and spices, and the
is gilded with silver and gold foil. For the convenience of this
I have labeled the recipes from Two 15th c. Cookery-Books as
1 & Recipe 2. The receipt found in Forme of Cury is
referred to as Recipe 3. The translations that follow the period
are my own, and are based on the glossaries found in Two 15th c.
and Curye on Inglysch.
The Cockentrice Recipe 1 Harleian MS.279 .xxviij.
Cokyntryce. - Take a Capon,
& skald
hym, & draw hem clene, & smyte hem a-to in the waste
take a Pigge, & skald hym, & draw hym in the same maner, &
smyte hem also in the waste; take a nedyl & a threde, & sewe
fore partye of the Capoun to the After parti of the Pigge; & the
partye of the Pigge, to the hynder party of the Capoun, & than
hem as thou stuffyst a Pigge; putte hem on a spete, and Roste hym:
whan he is y-now, dore hem with yolkys of Eyroun, & pouder Gyngere
& Safroun, thenne wyth the Ius of Percely with-owte; & than
it forth for a ryal mete.
- take a capon, scald it,
it clean, then cut it in half at the waist; take a pig, scald it, drain
it as the capon, and also cut it in half at the at the waist; take
and thread and sew the front part of the capon to the back part of the
pig; and the front part of the pig to the back part of the capon, and
stuff it as you would stuff a pig; put it on a spit, and roast it: and
when it is done, gild it on the outside with egg yolks, ginger,
and parsley juice; and then serve it forth for a royal meat.
To "stuffe hem as thou
stuffyst a Pigge", you must
refer to
another recipe that begins on the same page:
.xxxiij. Pygge y-farsyd.
- Take raw Eyroun, & draw
hem thorw
a straynoure; than grate fayre brede; take Safroun & Salt, &
of Pepir, & Swet of a schepe, & melle alle to-gederys in a
bolle, then broche thin Pygge; then farce hym, & sewe the hole,
lat hym roste; & then serue forth.
Stuffed Pig - take slightly
beaten raw eggs, grated bread,
salt, pepper, sheep suet, and mix all together in a bowl, then place
pig on a spit, stuff it with the mixture, sew the hole together, and
it roast; and then serve it.
Recipe 2 Douce MS. 55 Cockentrice.
Capitulum lxiiij. - Scalde a
capon clene,
& smyte hem in-to the wast oueretwarde, and scaude a pygge, and
hym, & smyte hym in the same maner; and then sewe the forthyr parte
of the capon and the hyndyr parte of the pigge to-gederys, and the
parte of the pygge and the hyndyr parte of the capon to-gedyr; then
the whyte & the yolkes of eyren, and cast ther-to, and svette of a
schepe, and saffron, & salt, and pouudre of gyngeuere, and grated
and melle all to-gedre with thyn honde, and putt it in the cockentrice,
and putt it on a spite, and roste hem; and endore hem with yolkes of
and pouudre of gyngeuere, and saffron, and ioissh of persely or malves,
and draw hem, and endore hem all abowte in euery perty of hym.
Cockentrice - scald a capon
(then drain) it clean, and cut
it in
half at the waist, and scald a pig, and drain it, and cut it in the
manner; then sew the front part of the capon to the back part of the
and the front part of the pig to the back part of the capon; then take
slightly beaten eggs, sheep suet, saffron, salt, ginger, and grated
and mix all together with your hands, and put it in the cockentrice,
put it on a spit, and roast it; and gild it with egg yolks, ginger,
and parsley or mallows juice, and let it be clean and gilded all over.
Recipe 3 Forme of Cury 183
Cokagrys. Take and make the self fars,
but do
therto pynes & sugur. Take an hold rostr cok; pulle hym & hylde
hym al togyder saue the legges. Take a pigg and hilde hym fro the
dounward; fylle him ful of the fars, & sowe hym fast togeder. Do
in a panne & seeth hym wel, and whan thei bene isode: do hem on a
& rost it wele. Colour it with yolkes of ayren and safroun. Lay
foyles of gold and siluer, and serue hit forth.
Cockentrice: make the
previous stuffing, but add pine nuts
sugar. Take a capon (an "old rooster") and cut it in half at the
Take a pig and cut in half at the middle. Fill them full of the
and then sew them together. Place in a pan and boil until somewhat
then place on a spit and roast well. Color it with egg yolks and
Cover with gold & silver foil, then serve.
"The self fars" is
found in the previous recipe,
same page: 182
Farsur to make pomme dorryse and other thynges. Take the lire of pork
and grind it smale. Medle it vp with eyren & powdre fort, safroun
salt; and do therto raisouns of courance... (The medieval receipt
beyond this point, giving the directions for making pomme dorryse,
and does not to be reprinted here.)
Stuffing to make gilded
apples and other things. Take
ground raw
pork liver, and mix it with eggs, pepper, cloves, saffron, salt, and
The "powdre fort"
asked for in the period recipe is
by Curye on Inglysch as being a mixture of strong spices, usually
& cloves.
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The Cockentrice - A Ryal Mete is © James L. Matterer
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