A pecoke PERIOD: England, late 15th c. | SOURCE: MS Pepys 1047 | CLASS: Authentic DESCRIPTION: Roasted peacock with ginger sauce.
Facsimile of receipt from the original manuscript:
Transcription of original receipt: A pecoke Cut hym yn necke and skald hym cut of þe fete & hede cast hym on a spete bake hym well the sauce ys gynger. Modern translation: A peacock. Cut him in (the) neck and scald him. Cut off the feet & head. Cast him on a spit. Bake him well. The sauce is ginger. Modern recipe:
Ginger Sauce: This original medieval recipe comes from the 14th century Le Viandier de Taillevent. 164. Poivre jaunet: Yellow Pepper Sauce. Grind ginger, long pepper, saffron -- and some people add in cloves with (var.: a little) verjuice -- and toast; infuse this in vinegar (var.: verjuice), and boil it when you are about to serve your meat. Source: Scully, Terence, ed. Le Viandier de Taillevent. An Edition of all Extant Manuscripts. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1988. Modern recipe:
This very tart sauce may startle a few people, but many love its sharp and unique taste. Feel free to adjust the spices to your personal taste - some may enjoy using less pepper and more ginger, etc. The sauce can be as thin as a gravy or as thick as a dip. |
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