Subject: Les Fetes Gourmandes au Moyen Age.
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001
Dear James,
I would like to identify the photograph (not a painting!) of the
Coq in your web site: French photographer Claude Huyghens from his book:
Gourmandes au Moyen Age (editions Imprimerie Nationale, 1998)
Please credit him for the extraordinary photos that accompany the
equally extraordinary scholarly recreation of "sumptuous still-lifes (which)
reveal a concern for scientific and authentic representation" with detailed
commentary and recipes.
With the participation and presence of four of the book's French
contributors (Jean-Louis Flandrin, historian; Claude Huyghens, photographer,
Francoise Danrigal, food journalist, and Yves Pinard, chef (Canadian Carole
Lambert could not join us), I organized, promoted, and acted as agent for
the North American book tour for this outstanding publication at three
respective venues in 1998: two medieval feasts, a medieval taste-testing,
slide and art presentations, a scholarly seminar.
The photographer/artist, journalist, chef and scholars merit acknowledgement
for their many years of research and collaboration for an excellent source
that your site should mention, in all fairness. If you need more information
in English, I would be delighted to furnish it; otherwise, I can put you
in contact with Mr. Huyghens.
Kandace Lombart
Medieval Moments