A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

Chickenes Endoryed

PERIOD: England, 14th century | SOURCE: An Ordinance of Pottage | CLASS: Authentic

DESCRIPTION: Roast chicken glazed with egg yolks


161. Chickenes endoryed. Scall chykenes; draw out the brest bone with thy fynggers; save the flesch & the skyn hole. Rost hem till they be thorow, then endore hem with yolkez of eyron. When the endoryng ys stiff & hard let hem rost no more. Endore kydez in the same maner.

- Hieatt, Constance B. An Ordinance of Pottage. London: Prospect Books Ltd, 1988.


Gilded Chicken. Scald chickens; draw out the breast bone with your fingers; keep the flesh & skin hole. Roast the chicken until done, then glaze it with egg yolks. When the glaze is stiff & hard let it roast no more. Glaze kids (goats) in the same manner.


  • Chicken, whole or in pieces, and boneless if possible (see note below)
  • egg yolks, beaten
Roast the chicken until done. Remove from oven, brush with egg yolk, and return briefly to the oven until the glaze is set, approx. 1 minute or less. Don't overcook - the chicken should be yellow, not brown. Repeat the process a few times for a brighter shade.

Whole chickens with just the breast bones removed would be the ideal choice here, as that is what the original receipt specifically asks for; however, unless you're a skilled chef or carver, or know one, your chances of acquiring such a bird in a raw state, ready to roast, could be a bit difficult. Your local butcher might be able to help you, so it may be well worth asking to find out. Otherwise, be prepared to follow the procedure as described in the Medieval recipe - scald the chicken first, then pull out the breast bone while leaving the skin intact & the other bones in place. If you're not feeling so adventurous, then keep in mind that endoring in this manner was a common feature of much Medieval cooking, and any cut or portion of the chicken, with or without bones, will do. Just remember to leave the skin on, as is advised in the period recipe.

Metric, Celsius, & Gas Mark Equivalencies

A Boke of Gode CookeryA Boke of Gode Cookery Recipes

Chickenes Endoryed © 2000 James L. Matterer

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