Pyes de Pares PERIOD: England, 15th century | SOURCE: Harleian MS. 279 | CLASS: Authentic DESCRIPTION: A pie of beef, pork, and fruit
ORIGINAL RECEIPT: .xxvij. Pyes de Pares. Take and smyte fayre buttes of Porke, & buttys of Vele, to-gederys, & put it on a fayre potte, & do þer-to Freyssche broþe, & a quantyte of wyne, & lat boyle alle to-gederys tyl yt be y-now; þan take it fro þe fyre, & lat kele a lytelle; þan caste þer-to yolkys of Eyroun, & pouder of Gyngere, Sugre, & Salt, & mynced Datys, & Roysonys of Coraunce; þen make fayre past, and cofynnys, & do þer-on; kyuer it, & let bake, & serue forth. - Austin, Thomas. Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books. Harleian MS. 279 & Harl. MS. 4016, with extracts from Ashmole MS. 1429, Laud MS. 553, & Douce MS 55. London: for The Early English Text Society by N. Trübner & Co., 1888.
GODE COOKERY TRANSLATION: Pies of Paris. Take & cut good pieces of pork, and pieces of veal, together, & put in a good pot, & add fresh broth, & a quantity of wine, & bring to a boil until done; than take it from the fire, & let it cool a little; than add egg yolks, & ginger, sugar, & salt, & minced dates, & currants; then make good pastry, then pie shells, and add; cover the pie, and bake it, and serve.
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Pyes de Pares © 2000 James L. Matterer
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