For 88:
Notes on the recipe: This recipe is contrived. Numerous mentions of 'Browned Vegetables' are made throughout the feast menus in Le Manegier. My inspiration for this creation was based on a recipe called 'To Fry Beanes' which is found in The Book of Cookerye in Cariadoc's Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks, Vol. I, pg. C-7. It is a really good vegetable dish and has been well received. |
L. J. Spencer, Jr. lives in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where is an active and long-time member of The Society for Creative Anachronism. His SCA feasts are well-known for being both delicious and authentic, and he is a major contributor to the SCA-Cooks Discussion Group.
Boke of Gode Cookery
Historical Cookery Page
Browned Vegetables © 1999 L. J. Spencer, Jr. | This page © 2000 James L. Matterer
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