Divide grapes into eight equal bunches. Place a bunch of grapes in between each set of melon wedges. Place mint sprigs in the center of the circle. Decorate each wedge with three silver cake decorations, spacing them evenly along the center of the wedge. Just before serving, sprinkle sugar crystals lightly over all. Makes 8 servings. Notes on the recipe: 1: I use silver ball type cake decorations. 2: I use these as another form of period-like Dragees. I use medieval seasonal fresh fruit in this dish. This dish is not documentable. |
L. J. Spencer, Jr. lives in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where is an active and long-time member of The Society for Creative Anachronism. His SCA feasts are well-known for being both delicious and authentic, and he is a major contributor to the SCA-Cooks Discussion Group.
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Melons and Grapes © 1999 L. J. Spencer, Jr. | This page © 2000 James L. Matterer
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