Fantastic Fish of the Middle Ages
Here after followeth of the natures of the fisshes of the See whiche be right profitable to be vnderstande. Wherof I wyll wryte be the helpe and grace of almighty god, to whose laude & prayse this mater ensueth.
- Lawrens Andrewe



"... whan any of them dyeth, than the other wepe"

Nereydes be monsters of the see, all rowghe of body / & whan any of them dyeth, than the other wepe. Of this is spoken in balena, the .xiiij. chapter.

Nereydes are monsters of the sea, all rough of body, and when any of them die, then the others weep. This is spoken of in Balena, chapter 14.

The above illustration is from Konrad Gesner's Historia Animalia (1560) and shows a sea creature found in Milan.

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© James L. Matterer

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