To boyle a Calves head with Oysters PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: A True Gentlewomans Delight, 1653 | CLASS: Authentic DESCRIPTION: Calves head cooked & garnished with oysters
To boyle a Calves head with Oysters. Take the head, and boyle it with Water and Salt, and a little white Wine or Verjuyce, and when it is almost enough, then cut some Oysters, and mingle them together, and a blade or two of Mace, a little Pepper, and Salt, and a little liquour of the Oysters, then put it together, and put it to the Calves head, and the largest Oysters upon it, and a slit Lemon, and Barberries, so serve it in. |
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Century English Recipes
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L. Matterer