To boyle a Capon Larded with Lemmons, on the French fashion PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: A New Booke of Cookerie, 1615 | CLASS: Authentic DESCRIPTION: Capon flavoured with lemon & served in broth
To boyle a Capon Larded with Lemmons, on the French fashion. Scald your Capon, and take a little dusty Oatmeale to make it boile white. Then take two or three ladlefuls of Mutton broth, a Fagot of sweet Hearbes, two or three Dates, cut in long pieces, a few parboyld Currins, a little whole Pepper, a piece of whole Mace, and one Nutmeg. Thicken it with Almonds. Season it with Vergis, Sugar, and a little sweet Butter. Then take up your Capon, and larde it very thicke with a preserved Lemmon. Then lay your Capon in a deepe Meat dish for boyld meates, and poure the broth upon it. Garnish your Dish with Suckets and preserved Barberries. |
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L. Matterer