To make Paste of Enula-campana rootes an excellent cordiall Paste, and good against the cough of the lungs PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: A Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen, 1617 | CLASS: Authentic DESCRIPTION: A candy paste made of roots & syrups
To make Paste of Enula-campana rootes an excellent cordiall Paste, and good against the cough of the lungs. Lay the youngest of these rootes in water, and then boile them tender, shift them three of foure times to take away their bitternesse, pill them, pith them, and beat them in a morter, with the weight of eighteene pence of these seuerall sirups, videlicet, Maydenhaire, Isope, and Horehound: when you haue beaten all this fine, draw them through a strainer, with the pap of two rosted Pippins, and a graine of Muske, then dry it a little on a chafingdish of coales, vntill you see it begin to be somewhat stiffe, then boile the weight thereof in double refined Sugar vnto a Candie height, and put the pulp into the Sugar, let it boile with continuall stirring, vntill it be somewhat stiffe, then drop it on a plate or sheete of glasse, dry it and keepe it in a Stoue. |
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