A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

To make Almond Paste

PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: A Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen, 1617 | CLASS: Authentic

DESCRIPTION: Paste made of almonds, sugar, & rosewater

To make Almond Paste.

Blanch and beate Iordane Almonds in a stone morter, put in now and then a spoonefull of Rose-water to keep it from oyling, and when they be very fine, put about a pound and a halfe of fine Sugar to two pound of Almonds, halfe a drachme of Muske, and as much Rose-water as will serue to beat it to a perfect Paste, which you may easily guesse by your own discretion beginning with one spoonefull, and so adding as you shall see fit.

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A Boke of Gode Cookery17th Century English Recipes
© 1997 - 2003 James L. Matterer