To make a Cowslip-Tart PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: The Accomplish'd Lady's Delight In Preserving, Physick, Beautifying, and Cookery, 1675 | CLASS: Authentic DESCRIPTION: A tart made with cream and primroses
To make a Cowslip-Tart. Take the blossoms of a Gallon of Cow-slips, mince them exceeding small, and beat them in a Mortar, put to them a handful or two of grated Naple-Bisket, and about a pint and a half of Cream; boyl them a little on the Fire, then take them off, and beat in eight Eggs with a little Cream; if it do not thicken, put it on the Fire till it doth, gently, but take heed it Curdles not; season it with Sugar, Rose-water, and a little Salt: Bake it in a Dish, or little open Tarts; it is best to let your Cream be cold before you stir in the Eggs. |
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L. Matterer