Divers Sallets boyled PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: Murrel's Two Books of Cookerie, 1638 | CLASS: Authentic DESCRIPTION: how to prepare a variety of cooked vegetable & herb dishes
Divers Sallets boyled. Parboile Spinage, and chop it fine, with the edges of two hard Trenchers upon a boord, or the backs of two Choppinknives: then set them on a Chaffindish of Coales with Butter and Vinegar. season it with Sinamon, Ginger, Sugar, and a few parboyled Currans. Then cut hard Egges into a quarters to garnish it withall, and serue it upon Sippets. So may you serve Burrage, Buglosse, Endiffe, Sackory, Coleflowers, Sorrell, Marigold-leaves, Water-cresses, Leekes boyled, Onions, Sporrages, Racket, Alexanders. Parboyle them and season them all alike: whether it be with Oyle and Vinegar, or Butter and Vinegar, Sinamon, Ginger, Sugar, and Butter: Egges are necessary, or at least very good for all boyled Sallets. |
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L. Matterer